
Information and entertainment portal.
A large entertainment center in the city of Munich, Germany. Quest rooms for every taste. Developed an information portal, individual corporate design, redesign of the company's logo type. We have created and implemented a system of preliminary online booking of tickets for entertainment center events.




Create an information portal for the entertainment center GetAway (Munich, Germany), which combines quest rooms of various subjects, working seven days a week. Develop a system for pre-ordering and buying tickets online.

Create a contrasting, memorable design in the style of quest rooms. To develop the design use the corporate colors of the customer: red and black. Each page of the portal should be made in an individual style. Develop customized graphic elements for the design.

We redesigned the company logo. Created an infotainment portal. The customer received a beautiful, modern website, user-friendly, containing all the necessary information about the quest rooms with the possibility of pre-ordering tickets via the Internet. The site is correctly displayed on all kinds of devices from smartphones to desktop computers. We created an advertising campaign in Google Adwords to promote the site on the Internet, thanks to which the customer received a constant stream of customers to the site. We are engaged in the support and maintenance of the site.

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